Oh Beysus…

So, I had to post about it. Pepsi has just released its second spot after it’s Superbowl halftime takeover and Beyonce’s $50 million dollar endorsement. Today is not only a big day for Pepsi, but also for Beyonce as it marks her fifth anniversary being married to hip-hop mogul Jay-Z. Despite one of my previous posts where I questioned using celebrities in advertising, I like this commercial. I don’t know, maybe I’m biased because I’m a part of the Beyhive. After watching it hmmm 13 times so far, I’m still not sure what the commercial actually says about Pepsi. Maybe I’m just distracted by all the Beyonce video references and the snippet of her new single. Either way, I’d definitely go drink a Pepsi right now. I guess Pepsi is using Beyonce to attract new consumers and it might work. For some odd reason, I believe drinking a Pepsi will surface my inner Beyonce.

Celebrity endorsements. Convincing or cop out?

How do you feel about using celebrities in advertising? Sometimes it’s required, but with that aside, what are your opinions on celebrity endorsements? Does is add to the print or commercial? Is it efficient as far as enhancing the creative idea? Is it worth the money?

Often I see commercials or print ads with celebrities in them and I feel like it’s so unnecessary. Don’t get me wrong. Some commercials that use celebrities are hilarious and clever. Like Geico’s commercials to bring excitement to the testimonials:

However, in my opinion there are far more commercials that could do without a celebrity in their work. Like these commercials:

and this one is for laughs…

I’m on the fence when discussing the benefit of using a celebrity in creative advertising. Any comments?