Pat Oswald get Lucas


As many of you know it has been announced that after purchasing LucasFilm for a fat $4 billion last October Disney has acquired the rights to the Star Wars franchise and in the summer of 2015 we will be witnessing the release of Star Wars episode seven. Of course this raises many concerns about the Disney’s ability to make it a success or a flop. Following the release of this information was a flood of worldwide viral brainstorming for possible plot ideas. I think this is genius because with Disney owning the rights we can expect to see a new Star Wars film every summer for the next 5 years and as you can imagine fans will probably get burnt out on the force relatively quickly. Therefore having more creative and imaginary directions to head the new series in could prove vital to their success. So far my favorite attempt at creating a new Star Wars plot line was created by Pat Oswald for a filibuster scene on the popular NBC series “Parks and Recreation.”

Pat began by opening up his story line with a vivid description of the desert planet of Tatooine. Out of the Scarlack pit crawls Boba Fett. Anyways, Pat continues his surprisingly detailed and with out a doubt well-researched rant for a daunting 9 minutes without cut or pauses. He continues his level of detail while incorporating ridiculous characters from other worlds such as captain America, X-men, and Iron man. Laughing hilariously at first I realized that his satirical approach brought up a really good point; Star Wars wasn’t that great to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, they are awesome, I will watch any of the 6 if they are running on TV, however as far as movies go their pretty crummy. Known as the original sci-fi westerns, Star Wars received an average of 18% on rotten tomatoes. Point being, lets have fun with these next one, honestly what’s the worst that could happen, ok if they star Zack Effron and turn it into a musical id consider fire bombing their headquarters but other than that I have faith. Thank you Pat Oswald for refueling my child hood excitement in the Star Wars franchise.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches FOR MEN (parody)

The older I’ve gotten, the more stunning I’ve gotten.

FINALLY someone made a parody for the Dove Real Beauty Sketches. And it was done well!

There has been a lot of criticism of the Dove campaign as it is portrayed in the video as a social experiment, but it has far too many flaws. The portrait artists knew what he was involved in, thus made the sketches of the other women’s descriptions smiling and their own descriptive sketches less attractive…human intervention, here.

So, what would guys have experienced had they been involved in this social experiment? New Feelings Time Comedy shows us:

So good.

Sketch Artist: Tell me about your teeth.

Subject: My mom said I had the most beautiful teeth, so I love to smile


Sketch Artist: What would you say is your most prominent feature?

Subject: Probably my bulge.


The best part of the video is definitely the sketches at the end showing the side by side comparison of what the men thought of themselves and what women thought of them. Night and day. My favorite is the Brad Pitt pic.

I would say I have a balanced face, almost like a white Denzel Washington.